There are lots to do and see at Holy Trinity Cathedral.
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All are welcome to explore their faith at Holy Trinity Cathedral.
We have a dynamic programme of events, special services, concerts, lectures and more. There is something for everyone.
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You are welcome here at Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Mother Church of the Anglican Diocese of Auckland.
As a Cathedral we are characterised with a dynamic of gathering and sending, welcoming all, worshiping God, nourishing community, and empowering action. We gather people with our liturgies, events, and other functions, by providing a spiritual home for Christians (not only Anglicans), and a safe space for people of other faiths, and for those who are yet uncommitted. In gathering and sending we present the face of Christ and offer hope, grace, and love.
We are a sacred space and a public space. We are a tūrangawaewae, 'standing ground' for all people in this Diocese, city, and nation. We aim to be a place where all feel welcome and can say this is my place, I belong here.
We are a place where people can gather to celebrate and lament, pray, and debate. A place where God is revealed in word, action, and sacrament. A place that takes seriously our Christian calling to justice and peace for all God’s creation. A place for people of all ages, race, and creed, gender, and sexuality. Our prayer is that you may know God’s love is for you, and for each person who comes.
May the peace of God which passes all understanding be with you always.
The Very Reverend Anne Mills