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Newsletter June 4, 2017


Living God’s Love:

Welcoming - Worshipping - Nourishing - Empowering

A very warm welcome to the community of Holy Trinity Cathedral.

If you would like to know more about Cathedral programmes, or receive regular information, please complete one of the blue cards at the rear of the Cathedral or Chapel, and give it to a sides-person or to one of the clergy.



Sentence: ‘For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.’ 1 Corinthians 12:13

Collect: Holy God, blowing through creation, no door can keep you out. Unlock our hearts, breathe on us anew, that we may speak God’s word of life. Through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


8am & 10am: Acts 2:1-21; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23. 9am: Acts 2:1-21; John 20:19-23. 5pm: Joel 2:21-32; Acts 2:14-21.



With our priests-in-charge away, I have been asked, for the first time, to write few words for the Newsletter. The task was looming over my head the whole week: what to write about? Thinking about it gave me the answer: touching Eucharist with Queen Victoria past pupils last Sunday, the stillness of Taizé prayer, singing of our choristers and choir, Mothers' Union and AAW quiet day, Selwyn service on Tuesday, Consecration preparation, orienting our new Youth Minister, Mr Amar Anthony, the commissioning of him and Ofa Langi, our Children and Family minister on Trinity Sunday, the dedication of our new Nicholson organ, tomorrow's Iftar in the Cathedral...all that and much more. All this plus our regular administrative and pastoral duties, while meeting people, witnesses for the work of the Holy Spirit in this place. It is the same Spirit whose arrival on the apostles we remember today, at the feast day of Pentecost, it is the same Spirit that inspires every good thought and work.

A week in the life of the Cathedral is like a week in our life: diverse, tiring, but inspiring and blessed. The complete picture and beauty of it can be seen only if we try to see it complete and whole. Sometimes we like our niches so much, that we close ourselves in them not seeing outside, missing many who journey with us on the path of faith. And yet, the Spirit calls us to the unknown, the different, the colourful and the rich. That is what makes the kaleidoscope of our Cathedral so rich, Spirit-filled and wonderful.

May the Spirit of Pentecost guide and inspire us always!



Services Today:

8am – Eucharist Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Presider & Preacher: The Rev Bruce Keeley

9am – Holy Communion St Stephens Chapel, Judge Street

The Rev Ivica Gregurec

10am – Sung Eucharist, The Nave

Presider: The Rev Diane Miller-Keeley

Preacher: The Rev Bruce Keeley

Morning tea – in the Visitors Centre after the 10am service

5pm – Choral Evensong

Officiant: The Rev Ivica Gregurec

Preacher: Andrew Wallis

8.00 pm – Taizé Prayer, Bishop Selwyn Chapel

New Youth Minister Appointment

We are delighted to welcome Amar Anthony, our new Youth Minister, to our team.

Sound System operator

Are you interested in joining the Cathedral team of Audio-Visual Operators? If you would like more information,

Jammies in June

It’s that time of the year again! We are collecting new children’s flannelette pyjamas in support of the Jammies in June appeal led by Kidz First. Bring them to the office during the week or place them in the box at the back of the Cathedral. Thank you!

Cathedral Sound

The problems we have been experiencing with sound in the Cathedral have been resolved



Monday 5 June

Iftar Meal

The Cathedral is hosting this meal which breaks the fast in Ramadan for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Please could you help by either sponsoring a guest at $10 p/head, or by supplying a vegetable salad or some fresh fruit. These can be delivered to the Cathedral either on Sunday 4th or from 10am on the Monday 5th. There is a sign-up form and baskets for donations in the Visitor’s Centre.

Friday 9 June

Film Night

The hit film comedy of 1925 - The Adventures of Algy at St Mark’s Church Hall, 95 Remuera Rd.

Tickets: $20 for members; $25 for non-members. $12 for students and children

RSVP for catering purposes to Annette Jackman at or phone 523-3614

Pre-payment into 06-0257-0198761-00 Remuera Heritage Inc.

Prizes for best dressed male and female in period costume!

Sunday 11 June at 10am

Trinity Sunday Eucharist

- Dedication of the Nicholson Organ by the Bishop of Auckland, The Right Reverend Ross Bay.

- The commissioning of the members of the Cathedral Council and Cathedral Resources Board.

- Morning tea after 10am. Please bring a plate.

Sunday 11 June at 3pm

St Mary's-in-Holy-Trinity

Recital 3

Zosia Herlihy-o’Brien (Holy Trinity Cathedral Organ Scholar)

Paul Chan (Organist at St Matthew-in-the-City)

Sunday 18 June

- Bishop Selwyn Chapel – 3pm. Bishop Richard Randerson will host a public forum titled: Trumpism, Brexit, Neoliberalism, the Gospel and the General Election. All welcome.

- Agm - Friends Of The Cathedral. Begins with Evensong at 5pm, AGM meeting in Bishop Monteith Visitor Centre at 6.15pm, followed by dinner in the Selwyn Library at 6.30pm. The cost is $50. All inquiries Wayne Hughes at

Tuesday 20th June

World Refugee Day

A team of 4 from the Cathedral have made a commitment to live for 5 days on refugee rations to raise funds for Syrian refugees.

and, if you wish, join to the team, contact our Precentor, Ivica, for more details.

Look for the posters next week and support our team in fundraising for this worthy cause.

Sunday 2 July

Farewell for Bruce and Diane

If you want to contribute to a thank you gift please do so by internet banking, account number: BNZ 02 0192 0031919 01, Ref MKS, or hand in to the office or wardens. Thank you.

Caroline Oliver

Thursday 6 July at 7.30pm

Dean of Auckland Instillation

The Reverend Anne Mills will be installed as Dean of Auckland at a special service in the Nave.



We pray for those who have died, especially Robert Cooper and remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time especially Carly Dalton. May they rest in peace and may light perpetual shine on them.

PRAYERS FOR THE WORLD: We pray for those affected by the mudslides in Sri Lanka. For our Muslim friends who are observing Ramadan at this time,especially families of victims of the bomb attack in Afghanistan.

PRAYERS FOR NZ: As Winter begins to set we pray for all those in our community who are homeless and struggling to make ends meet.We remember those who are unemployed as well as all those who are facing difficult decisions in their lives.

PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH: For our Bishops, Ross and Jim, and for our partner Bishop, Kito, Bishop of Te Tai Tokerau.

Cathedral Prayer Chain is a group of parishioners committed to respond promptly to any requests for confidential prayer.

Contact: Lynette Wright (09 845 0260)



Weekday Eucharist:

Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Mon to Fri at 12:15pm

Weekday Evensong:

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5:45pm


8.00am Eucharist – Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Presiding Priest & Preacher: The Reverend Ivica Gregurec

Readings: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) – St Stephen’s Chapel, Judge Street

Presiding Priest & Preacher: The Reverend Ivica Gregurec

Readings: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Matthew 28:16-20

10.00am Choral Eucharist – Cathedral Nave

Blessing and Dedication of the Cathedral Organ

Commissioning of CC & CRB Members and Children & Youth Ministers

Presiding Priest: The Reverend Bruce Keeley

Preacher: The Right Reverend Ross Bay

Readings: Genesis 1:1-2:4a; 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20

5.00pm Choral Evensong – The Chancel

Officiant and Preacher: The Reverend Bruce Keeley

Preacher: The Reverend Diane Miller-Keeley

Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; John 16:5-15

8.00 pm Taize Prayer - Bishop Selwyn Chapel


Cathedral Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Priests-in-Charge: The Rev Diane Miller-Keeley &

The Rev Bruce Keeley 09-303 9502

Cathedral Precentor: The Reverend Ivica Gregurec 09-303 9504

Director of Music: Michael Stoddart 09-303 9508

Cathedral Organist: Philip Smith 09-303 9509

Operations Manager: Charlotte Antonievich 09-281 3523

Cathedral Secretary: Merle Abbot 09-281 3746

Events Manager: June Pitman 09-303 9503

Accounts: Marion Paterson 09-303 9505

Custodian: Joe Moncur 09-303 9500

446 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland, 1052

P O Box 37 148 Parnell, Auckland 1151

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