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From the Music Trust

It is with great delight that we share the news that the Council of the Friends of Cathedral Music in the UK has approved an endowment grant to Holy Trinity Cathedral Music Trust of £20,000 (approx. NZ$38,700), to be invested so that the income generated may be used for scholarship purposes. A symbolic presentation of this grant will be made later in the year.

The Friends of Cathedral Music is a charity founded in 1956 which has since granted over £4m in the UK and overseas to assist in sustaining the rich 1,400-year-old heritage of cathedral music and supporting this as a living tradition of choral worship.

This purpose closely aligns with the express aim of the Holy Trinity Cathedral Music Trust which is "to build an Endowment that will fund education, training, scholarships and support for singers and organists so that musical excellence in our Cathedral is sustained in perpetuity" By making grants such as this, the Friends of Cathedral Music seeks to maintain and expand the work of choral foundations such as our own Music Trust, and we are hugely grateful for this boost to our efforts to build our endowment fund.

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