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Newsletter 16 July, 2017


Living God’s Love:

Welcoming - Worshipping - Nourishing - Empowering

A very warm welcome to the community of Holy Trinity Cathedral.

If you would like to know more about Cathedral programmes, or receive regular information, please complete one of the blue cards at the rear of the Cathedral or Chapel, and give it to a sides-person or to one of the clergy.




Sentence: Jesus said, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.’ Luke 9: 62​

Collect: Bountiful God, you send sun and rain to the righteous and unrighteous. Let your grace fall upon your people, enable us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us so that we may truly be your children. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


8am & 10am: Isaiah 55:10-13; Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 9am: Isaiah 55:10-13; Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 5pm: 2 Samuel 7:18-29; Luke 19:41-20:8



I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the very warm welcome my family and I have received as I begin my ministry with you as Dean. I have appreciated you introducing yourselves to me but please be patient with me as I learn your names!!! Name badges would be helpful!!! You have a wonderful office team who have patiently and gently answered my many questions and begun to ‘show me the ropes.’ I am most grateful to them amidst their already busy individual portfolios of work.

I am looking forward to offering ministry in your midst and getting to know you as you get to know me.

As Joy Cowley in her poem ‘Roads’ writes:

I enjoy looking at other people’s roads.

They are different from mine and yet basically the same.

They all facilitate journey from here to there,

self to other, and they are all inter-connected.

The fact that I love my own road

with its comfortable landmarks and familiar faces,

doesn’t restrict my appreciation of someone else’s neighbourhood.

And if I go into another area and walk a mile or two with someone else,

I return as a larger being. The love of my own road is deepened, the appreciation of other roads is widened and I am blessed in the knowledge that all roads lead to the same God.

This poem reminds us that we need each other. The early Christians stood out in their culture because of the love and care they showed one another. The love they showed to each other is the same love they experienced from knowing Jesus Christ. “We love because God first loved us” (1 John 4:19). The heart of the gospel and the hope of our lives are connected: God’s loving steadfastness toward us gives us the resources to live with and to love each other.

So, may we together appreciate each other’s ‘roads’ knowing that an appreciation of each other blesses us and makes our Christian witness stronger,

Dean Anne


Services Today:

8am – Eucharist Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Presider & Preacher: The Very Rev Anne Mills

9am – Holy Communion St Stephens Chapel, Judge Street

The Reverend David Steele

10am – Sung Eucharist, FAREWELL FOR DIANE AND BRUCE, The Nave

Presider: The Right Reverend Ross Bay

Preacher: The Very Rev Anne Mills

Morning tea – in the Visitors Centre after the 10am service. All welcome.

5pm – Choral Evensong, Sea Sunday Service

Officiant: The Very Rev Anne Mills

NO Taizé Prayer. Resumes on 30 August

Today at 3pm in St Mary's

St Mary's Organ Concert

Stephen Vincent, the organist at St Luke’s, Remuera, will perform the last in our series celebrating the restoration of the St Mary’s organ.

Tickets, $15, are available from iTICKET or at the door.

Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Great news! The Bishop Selwyn Chapel has been shortlisted for the 2017 World Architecture Awards in Berlin. A huge congratulations to the team at Fearon Hay Architects. The winner of “Completed Buildings - Religion” category, will be announced in November. Watch this space for the results. For more

Avril Souter - Selwyn’s Vision

Music Department

The Choristers and Cathedral Choir will return to sing services again from Sunday 30th July. We are delighted that the St Mary’s Singers will lead both 10 am Eucharist and 5 pm Choral Evensong on Sunday 23rd July.


Reverend Ivica Gregurec is away until Monday 24 July.

Jammies in June

We have a grand total of 162 pyjamas to donate to the Middlemore Foundation. Well done and a big thank you to all who donated helped to keep little chests toasty during these chilly nights!

Thank You

Margaret Lockstone would like to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts over the past 5 months.

She is home now and making good progress.



Sunday 30 July, 12pm

Youth Meet & greet Pizza Lunch after 10am Service

Calling all 11-17 year-olds to come along and meet your new Youth Minister, Amar Anthony in the new Youth Hub room.

Thursday 3 August 7.30pm

Bishop Selwyn Lecture House-hunting and Home-coming: Understanding Space and Spirituality

This will be the theme of this year’s Bishop Selwyn Lecture, by The Very Reverend Professor Martyn Percy, Dean of Christchurch, Oxford.

Martyn’s visit will coincide with the NZ Deans’ conference; he will also be our guest preacher at both morning services on Sunday 6 August.

Wednesday 9 August at 7pm

Sir Paul Reeves Memorial Lecture 2017 Massey University – Albany

Theme: Restoration, Redress, Reconciliation – a reflection on the experience of the Parihaka community and how contemporary and historical grievances in this modern era of Treaty settlements can be resolved.

Speakers: Judge Sarah Reeves and Puna Wano-Bryant

To register please email:

16 & 17 September

Cathedral Organ Festival Weekend

For information on the Grand opening recital and Gala concert visit

Saturday 28 October at 3pm

Consecration Service

Please diarise this significant date.



We pray for those who have died and remember those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace and may light perpetual shine on them.

PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH: We continue to give thanks for this new chapter of ministry in the life of the Cathedral, for our new Dean who will lead us, and for our willingness to be led into fruitful mission.We pray for our Bishops Ross and Jim as they lead the diocese and for partner Bishop Kito in his role in Te Tai Tokerau.

PRAYERS FOR NZ: We pray for the staff at Auckland City Mission who work tirelessly with Auckland’s most vulnerable. For all in NZ who feel socially, emotionally and physically isolated from networks that many of us take for granted.We give thanks for all who work in in Crisis Care and Community Services throughout NZ.

PRAYERS FOR THE WORLD: We pray for ongoing fruitful dialogue and a quick resolution in the Gulf Crisis. For those civilians trying to return to the city of Mosul, Iraq.

Cathedral Prayer Chain is a group of parishioners committed to respond promptly to any requests for confidential prayer.

Contact: Lynette Wright (09 845 0260)



Weekday Eucharist:

Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Mon to Fri at 12.15pm

Weekday Evensong Resumes:

First Week in August

Tues, Wed Thurs 5.45pm




8.00am Eucharist – Bishop Selwyn Chapel

Presiding Priest: The Very Reverend Anne Mills, Dean

Preacher: The Reverend Michael Hughes, General Secretary of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Readings: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) – St Stephen’s Chapel, Judge Street

Presiding Priest & Preacher: The Reverend Dr Irene Ayallo

Readings: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

10.00am Choral Eucharist – Cathedral Nave

Presiding Priest: The Very Reverend Anne Mills, Dean

Preacher: The Reverend Michael Hughes, General Secretary of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Readings: Wisdom 12:13, 16-19; Romans 8:12-25; Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

5.00pm Choral Evensong – The Chancel

Officiant: The Very Reverend Anne Mills, Dean

Readings: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:16-28; Acts 4:1-22

No Taize Prayer. This resumes on the 30 August at 8pm.


Cathedral Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Priests-in-Charge: The Rev Diane Miller-Keeley &

The Rev Bruce Keeley 09-303 9502

Cathedral Precentor: The Reverend Ivica Gregurec 09-303 9504

Director of Music: Michael Stoddart 09-303 9508

Cathedral Organist: Philip Smith 09-303 9509

Operations Manager: Charlotte Antonievich 09-281 3523

Cathedral Secretary: Merle Abbot 09-281 3746

Events Manager: June Pitman 09-303 9503

Accounts: Marion Paterson 09-303 9505

Custodian: Joe Moncur 09-303 9500

446 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland, 1052

P O Box 37 148 Parnell, Auckland 1151

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